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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Creation Facts / False Hero's

It really is sad that super heroes get more recognition on tv shows, movies, comic books and conventions all out to admire false hero's.

Super hero's who have super powers in the name of justice is only a smoke screen filled by fantasy! They all have one thing in common all have a vulnerable side while God does not have one!

Fantastic Four came back to the earth after a mission in space and had super powers, see how easy it is for so many people to avoid the truth? All these hero's get enormous amounts of credit all over the world and in the name of justice to protect the innocent.

God is the one who created the universe and gave gifts to people!


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Everything Combined

 Just think for a minute how large the universe is and how many stars there are and the size of other planets and the size of the solar system. It is impossible to calculate because it's too gigantic! Why? 

Because The King Of His Universe created it with everything else in space combined because He is The Almighty God!