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Monday, August 30, 2010

God's 1st Commandment

Thou Shalt Not Have No Other gods Before Me:In the research I've done on all the planets that God created.I noticed that all of them were named after false gods and false goddesses.This clearly goes against God's 1st Commandment,I fail to understand why the people who named these other worlds after false gods and false goddesses.Long before any scientist ever had advanced technology also knew God's 1st Commandment and yet they have named other worlds for the names they chose.But as long as I live and breath I will continue to not only promote God's Ten Commandments I will also promote God's 1st Commandment as well as God Is King Of His Universe.I think it is very unfair to God himself that he does not get the glory that is rightfully his.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

God's Supreme Control

For most of the summer we've had major heat waves with the temperature in the 90's most of the time.Yet most people all say the same thing that it is mother nature.God created the earth as one of his planets and it is God who controls everything on earth including the weather.God created the sun in the sky and controls the earths temperatures so it is not mother nature who is making these heat waves.God also controls all the weather all over the world this is one reason why God Is King Of His Universe.