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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Another Supreme Creation By God

Acid rain like in this photo is something that can be dangerous or admired from a view because it was made by God among so may other thing in His Universe.The size-the color-massive admiration to view it from a telescope along with the many supreme things God created because He is The King Of His Universe as well as The King Of Independence and writer of His Ten Commandments as well.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

God's Control Over Weather

Notice the photo of a blizzard in this post and like so many other people I have experienced several and they are freezing cold and deep snow.This only happens certain times of the year because if blizzards hit us on a steady basis we'd all be in a bad way but because God decides how his weather is controlled we do not have to fear a blizzard everyday we need only to fear God himself.