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Monday, April 29, 2013

God's Highest Mountain

Mt Everest is over 29,000 feet to the top and it really should be name God's highest mountain but the one marvel of the world that isn't fully recognized is that God created this mountain.Not just doing it but doing it from His Kingdom way above his universe and that's only one reason why God Is King Of His Universe and King Of Independence.Maker of His Ten Commandments and everything else.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

God's Powers

Only God The King Of His Universe can do this notice the lightning that has come down to earth all the way from God's Kingdom.Stands to reason that God who wrote His Ten Commandments and is also The King Of Independence can do something so special and supreme because God is truly The Almighty,he has to be after all he rose Jesus Christ from the dead only the king can do that.